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DIY China Cup Candles

I have always really loved girly things. I consider myself to be the ultimate girly girl, nothing is too floral or too cute or too glittery for me. I went through a phase when I searched things on Pinterest it always had the word Vintage: Vintage jewelry, Vintage hair, Vintage Decor, etc. Under Vintage decor I first saw the Idea of Tea Cup Candles and I fell in love instantly! I mean what's not to like?! They are feminine and elegant and the perfect accessory to amp up the style of your home.

Here are the three China Cup Candles I made for this tutorial and I am So so pleased with how they turned out! They were surprisingly easy to make and I will show you how I made mine down bellow.

All you need is:

-China tea cups (I found mine at the salvation army for about three dollars.)

-Candle Wax (I used organic Beeswax from a local vendor at our weekend farmer's market.)

-Waxed candle wicks (I also got those from the same lady at the farmer's market.)

-Glass jar with a lid

-knife and cutting board

-large sauce pan and lid

This was my very first time making candles and I was pretty nervous, I didn't really know what to do or if I was doing right, but with all that being said, it went pretty easy peasy for me. Here's what I did:

1. I started off by cutting my beeswax into smaller pieces because I figured they would melt faster...pretty sound reasoning I think. I urge you to do it too, so that you aren't waiting forever for your wax to melt...your time is too precious to waist am I right?!

2. Next I put my cut up beeswax in my mason jar and screwed the lid on because I didn't want any water getting in accidentally (Not that that is bad for the wax as far as I know). I put the mason jar in a pan of boiling water adjusting the temperature to bring it to a simmer. I've read somewhere that it can be dangerous to overheat wax. Something about explosions...?

3. The wax will start melting and look a little bit like this. At this point I took a popsicle stick and stirred it around, and then I put it back into the pot and covered with a lid to keep in the heat.

It took about 20 minutes for my wax to melt all the way, but that was probably because I kept taking it out of the pan to check on it.

Just look at that! It looks just like honey (and smells like it too).

4. My next step was to take my wax wick and dip the base in the melted wax in order to stick it to the centre of my tea cup, Just like so >>>

Let the wax cool a little bit so it's not too hot to handle and then poor into the tea cup while holding on tight to the wick so it stays centre. As soon as it is dry enough for the wick to stay and place you can let go. I let mine sit over night and then I cut the extra length of wick so it's no longer than a quarter inch long. This is done for safety. A wick that is too long flickers and that can cause a fire to start in your home.

So here you have it, My step by step how to DIY China Cup Candles.

If I can do it then you can do it too!

I'd love to hear from you guys, what worked what didn't work, and feel free to share your comments and your projects in the comments section.

Happy crafting my friends!

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