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DIY back to school notebooks.

I love September when it comes back around. Life picks up right where you left it back in May, with the excitement of reconnecting with friends and catching up on all the gossip and changes that happened during the summer. I'm going through some changes of my own, with a heartbreaking end to something I thought would last forever I'm trying to piece myself back together. So this will be my last post till I start up again in October. I need a break :) but I will be back!

So one of my favourite things about going back to school is restocking on school supplies. I am simply addicted to pretty notebooks with glittery quotes on them that motivate me to do well in school. The only drawback? They cost WAY too much! $20.00 for a regular notebook?! I don't think so! Here's a simple DIY that will have you coming back to school with the cutest notebooks that perfectly suit your personality as it was tailored by you...for you!

OK let's get started!!

Materials needed:

~ Notebooks (duh, the cheaper the better)


~Scrapbook/craft paper

~Acrylic paint (I got mine from the dollar store)

~And Mod Podge, my all time favourite craft supply.

Step: 1

Trace and cut out the cover that will fit over your notebook and use Mod Podge to glue it on. You want to use the Mod Podge lightly to prevent the paper from drying bumpy or crinkly. I used a ruler to press it on smoothly and avoid wrinkles.

Step: 2

Using white acrylic paint, and using a very fine paint brush, I wrote down the quote I wanted onto my notebook *(I thought this one was perfect because I am a student athlete at school and so it's always important for me to go the extra mile)* . You might want to use a pencil lightly on the paper first if you aren't as sure of your hands as I am.

Next I painted on a third golden layer (top right).

And then I used glitter paint for the final touch. I mean life is never bad if you have glitter!

and VOILA my DIY notebook!

For shits and giggles I made two more notebooks (pictured bellow).

I came up with the bunny one because I've been trying to lose a few pounds before school starts again. And I thought it was hilarious that the bunny was checking out it's...buns...ahemmm

And the fox one I love just because it's so pretty. Later I added the words "What the FOX".

I really hope you guys like them and that you get adventurous and make some of your own for the school year!

In other news I have another painting I made that I would love to share with you guys:

Aren't they otter-ly adorable?!

Thanks for reading and happy crafting my friends!! XOXOX



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