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My Busy Fall Semester

When I chatted with you guys last it was the beginning of September...and what a busy September it was! School took off with a bang and now it’s already December!!! I just finished my exams and I am back at home united with my boyfriend, my family, and most importantly my sewing machine so I’m going to do my best to just whip out as many DIY’s as you guys can handle.

Check in on the weekend for some lovely holiday sweaters for him and her. They are looking pretty darn cute thus far.

Other than that I’m happy to be getting a break from the too hectic semester. So looking forward to DIY-ing the shiiiiiiiizle out of my holiday because it’s all I’ve wanted to do during these past two weeks known as finals hell. I even took a study break between my last two exams to try to alter an extra large sweater into a comfy long sleeved romper...only to try it on when i finished it (at 4:30 AM) to find that it fit funny!! oh well back to the drawing board. As an English minor student I have to quote me some Becket (just to prove to myself that I learned something).

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.”....Or as I like to say while sipping a glass of wine “F[eel] better”

Alright Lovies, I’ll catch you in a few days after copious amounts of wine (what?! the semester is over I HAVE to celebrate somehow) and a DIY just for you and the holiday season.

Stay merry everyone!



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